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Δευτέρα 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
Πέμπτη 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
Κυριακή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
Παρασκευή 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
Η αποστασία προστάδιο της ελεύσεως του αντίχριστου: ΑΓΙΟΣ ΙΓΝΑΤΙΟΣ ΜΠΡΙΑΝΤΣΑΝΙΝΩΦ
Η αποστασία προστάδιο της ελεύσεως του αντίχριστου. Αγιος Ιγνάτιος Μπριαντσανίνωφ.
Ο αντίχριστος θα έλθει στον καιρό του, την εποχή που του καθορίσθηκε. Θα προηγηθεί μια γενική αποστασία. Το μέγιστο μέρος των ανθρώπων θα εγκαταλείψουν την χριστιανική πίστη. Η αποστασία θα είναι το προστάδιο. Θα προετοιμάσει τον κόσμο να δεχθεί τον αντίχριστο. Και μάλιστα να τον δεχθούν με το δικό του πνεύμα, που τότε θα μπει στην δομή της σκέψης των ανθρώπων. Η αναζήτηση του αντίχριστου θα τους γίνει αναγκαιότητα, γιατί τα συναισθήματα θα συμπίπτουν. Θα διψούν γι’ αυτόν, όπως διψούν σε στιγμές βαθιάς θλίψης για ποτά, που διαφορετικά τα θεωρούν αυτοκτονία. Θα τον επικαλούνται. Η ικεσία σ’ αυτόν, να έλθει, θα αντηχεί σε κοινές συνάξεις. Θα εκφράζει επίμονα την αξίωση να έλθει επί τέλους η μεγαλοφυΐα των μεγαλοφυϊών, που θα μπορέσει να ανεβάσει την τεχνική ανάπτυξη στην ανώτατη δυνατή βαθμίδα της και να φέρει στη γη τέτοια ευπραγία, ώστε ο ουρανός και ο παράδεισος να καταντήσουν πράγματα περιττά! Ο αντίχριστος θα είναι απόλυτα ευθυγραμμισμένος με την γενική ηθική και πνευματική κατεύθυνση των ανθρώπων της εποχής του.άγιος-ιγνάτιος-μπριαντσιανίνωφ-θαύμ-2/#more-9416
Πέμπτη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
Τρίτη 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
Σάββατο 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2020
Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2020
Ἑάλω ἡ Ἀμερική: ὑπό Ἰωάννου Ν. Καλλιανιώτου Καθηγητοῦ τοῦ Πανεπιστημίου τοῦ Scranton
Ἑάλω ἡ Ἀμερική
Ἰωάννου Ν. Καλλιανιώτου
Καθηγητοῦ τοῦ Πανεπιστημίου τοῦ Scranton
«Οὗτοι ἐν ἅρμασι καί οὗτοι ἐν ἵπποις, ἡμεῖς δέ ἐν ὀνόματι Κυρίου Θεοῦ ἡμῶν μεγαλυνθησόμεθα.»
Ψαλμ. ΙΘ΄ (19), 8
Ἡ Ἀμερική εὑρίσκεται εἰς μεγίστην καί ἀνεπανόρθωτον κρίσιν καί δυστυχῶς, θά «ἐξαγάγῃ» ταύτην, συντόμως καί εἰς τάς ἄλλας χώρας. Ἀπέκτησεν αὕτη τήν ἀνεξαρτησίαν της ἀπό τούς Ἄγγλους τό 1776, ἀλλά δέν ἠμπόρεσε νά ἀπαλλαγῇ ἀπό τάς σκοτεινάς δυνάμεις, αἱ ὁποῖαι εἶχον ἔλθει ἀπό τήν Εὐρώπην καί ἐξεμεταλλεύοντο τούς Εὐρωπαίους ἀποίκους καί μετανάστας τῆς Νέας Χώρας, τῆς Ἀμερικῆς. Αἱ σκοτειναί αὗται δυνάμεις κατέστρεψαν καί ὑπέταξαν τήν Εὐρώπην, δολοφονοῦντες τούς Χριστιανούς ἡγέτας της. Τήν Ἀγγλίαν τήν καθυπέταξαν τό 1640, τήν Γαλλίαν τό 1789, τήν Ρωσίαν τό 1917 καί ἅπασαν τήν Εὐρώπην τό 1957 (διά τῆς παγίδος τῆς Εὐρωπαϊκῆς Ἑνώσεως). Τήν Ἀμερικήν τήν ἐξεμεταλλεύθησαν ἐπί 244 ἔτη καί τήν 3ην Νοεμβρίου 2020, δι’ ἐκλογικοῦ δόλου, τήν ὑπέταξαν διά παντός.
Αἱ σκοτειναί αὗται δυνάμεις (οἱ Illuminati), τῇ βοηθείᾳ τῆς ὑπό κατοχήν Εὐρώπης καί τῆς τότε Ἀμερικῆς (τραπεζιτῶν της) ἐπέβαλλον τόν ἄθεον κομμουνισμόν καί σοσιαλισμόν εἰς τήν θεοσεβῆ Ρωσίαν (Ἐπανάστασιν τῶν Μπολσεβίκων), ἀργότερον εἰς τήν ὑπόλοιπον Εὐρώπην (καί Ἑλλάδα) καί σήμερον εἰς τήν Ἀμερικήν. Ὡς πρόδρομοι τῆς Νέας Ἐποχῆς καί τοῦ «μεσσίου» της, ἔχουν ἕνα μόνον ἐχθρόν τόν Χριστιανισμόν καί δή τήν Ὀρθοδοξίαν (τήν Ἀλήθειαν). Αἱ ὑπόλοιπαι θρησκεῖαι εἶναι ἀποδεκταί ὑπ’ αὐτῶν, καθ’ ὅσον ἅπασαι αὗται εἶναι πλάναι (λατρεύουν τόν ἐχθρόν τοῦ Θεοῦ καί ἀντίζηλον τῶν ἀνθρώπων). Ἐδολοφόνησαν ἅπαντας τούς Χριστιανούς βασιλεῖς καί ἡγέτας καί διά τῆς Μασονίας ὑπέταξαν τούς χλιαρούς τῇ πίστει καί θερμούς τῇ ἀγνοίᾳ (προοδευτικούς) πολιτικούς, ἐπαΐοντας, ἐπιστήμονας, δημοσιογράφους, ἀκόμη καί θρησκευτικούς ἡγέτας. Στόχος των, ἡ παγκόσμιος κυριαρχία των καί ἡ ὑποταγή πάντων εἰς τούτους, ὥστε μέ τήν ἔλευσίν του ὁ «μεσσίας» των νά μήν εὕρῃ ἀντιτιθεμένους εἰς τό «σωτηριῶδες» ἔργον του, τήν τῶν πάντων ἀπώλειαν.
Ἡ Ἀμερική, θείᾳ Χάριτι, ἀνέδειξε τό 2016 ἕνα δημοφιλῆ Χριστιανόν Πρόεδρον, τόν Donald Trump, ὁ ὁποῖος θά ἠμποροῦσε νά ἐξελιχθῇ, ἐάν τοῦ ἐπέτρεπον οἱ Illuminati, ὡς ὁ Putin τῆς πανσπέρμου καί ἀθέου ταύτης χώρας. Ὁ μέγας καί μή ἐπαγγελματίας πολιτικός οὗτος ἡγέτης εἶναι ὑπέρ τῆς χώρας του, ὑπέρ τῶν πολιτῶν της, ὑπέρ τῆς ἐλευθερίας τοῦ λόγου καί τῶν λοιπῶν κοινωνικῶν καί ἀτομικῶν ἐλευθεριῶν, κατά τῶν πολέμων, κατά τῶν ἐκτρώσεων, κατά τῆς παγκοσμιοποιήσεως καί ὑπέρ τῆς ἐθνικῆς κυριαρχίας τῶν κρατῶν˙ ὑπέρ τῆς θρησκευτικῆς ἐλευθερίας, ὑπέρ τῆς οἰκονομικῆς ἀναπτύξεως τῆς χώρας (“Americans first”), ὑπέρ τῆς πατριωτικῆς, ἐθνικῆς καί συντηρητικῆς ἐκπαιδεύσεως (παιδείας), ὑπέρ τοῦ πολιτισμοῦ καί τῆς Ἱστορίας τῆς χώρας. Ἐδήλωνε Χριστιανός καί αἱ εὐχαί του ἦσαν: God bless you καί God bless America. Ἦτο κατά τῆς λαθραίας μεταναστεύσεως τῶν ἑκατομμυρίων ἀνθρώπων ἀπό ὅλον τόν πλανήτην. Ἦτο ὑπέρ τῶν νόμων, ὑπέρ τῆς τάξεως καί ὑπέρ τῶν δικαίων σχέσεων τῶν κρατῶν˙ δηλαδή, κατά τῆς ἐκμεταλλεύσεως τῶν κρατῶν (μέ τό ἄδικον free trade μέ τήν Κίναν καί τάς λοιπάς χώρας), ὑπέρ τῶν Ἀμερικανικῶν ἐπιχειρήσεων (κατά τῆς ἀπάτης τοῦ environmental protection, πράσινη ἐπανάστασις) καί ὑπέρ τῶν ἐργαζομένων καί τήν δημιουργίαν ἐργασιῶν εἰς τήν χώραν καί ὄχι εἰς τήν δημιουργίαν ἀνεργείας καί τήν ἀποστολήν τῶν ἐπιχειρήσεων εἰς τάς ἀναπτυσσομένας χώρας (Κίναν καί Ἰνδίαν).
Αἱ ἀξίαι αὗται καί ἡ ἐθνική πολιτική τοῦ πατριώτου τούτου ἡγέτου ἀντιτίθενται εἰς τό ἐγκληματικόν σχέδιον τῶν Illuminati (τήν διάλυσιν τῶν κρατῶν) καί διά τοῦτο προσπαθοῦν ἀπό τήν πρώτην ἡμέραν ἐκλογῆς, ὡς Προέδρου Ἀμερικῆς, τοῦ Προέδρου Trump, νά τόν ἐξοντώσουν μέ πᾶν μέσον˙ μέ τά κατευθυνόμενα μέσα μαζικῆς παραπληροφορήσεως (fake news καί προπαγάντα), μέ τό ἄθεον, ἐγκληματικόν καί δουλοπρεπές κόμμα τῶν Δημοκρατικῶν, μέ τάς μυστικάς ὑπηρεσίας, μέ τά πανεπιστήμια καί γενικῶς τήν παιδείαν (παραπαιδείαν καί σκοταδισμόν), μέ τάς ἐπιχειρήσεις ὑψηλῆς τεχνολογίας (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, etc.) καί τούς ἀντιχρίστους ἰδιοκτήτας των καί διευθυντάς των, οἱ ὁποῖοι ἐσκεμμένως θά καθυστερήσουν, θά παραποιήσουν καί θά ὑπονομεύσουν τό ἔργον τοῦ μεγάλου τούτου πατριώτου καί συντηρητικοῦ ἡγέτου. Ἀρχίζουν τόν πόλεμον ἐναντίον του μέ τήν Ρωσίαν, τήν Οὐκρανίαν, τήν παραπομπήν του (impeachment), τόν κορωνοϊόν (the Chinese coronavirus) καί τέλος, τήν νοθείαν εἰς τάς ἐκλογάς τοῦ Νοεμβρίου 2020. Ἡ διαφθορά καί ἡ διαπλοκή τῶν πολεμίων του εἶναι τόσον μεγάλη, ὥστε κανείς δέν δύναται νά τούς ἀντισταθῇ. Μέ τάς ἐξεγέρσεις τούτων, μέ τάς διαδηλώσεις, τούς ἐμπρησμούς, τάς ληστρικάς ἐπιθέσεις κατά τῶν καταστημάτων, τήν σκόπιμον καθυστέρησιν τοῦ ἐμβολίου κατά τοῦ COVID-19 καί μέ πλεῖστα ἄλλα μέσα ὑπέκλεψαν τά ἐκλογικόν ἀποτέλεσμα καί κατέστησαν οἱ παράνομοι οὗτοι, ὡς νέα παράνομος καί μή ἀποδεκτή κυβέρνησις. Ὁ Πρόεδρος Donald Trump θά μείνῃ εἰς τήν Ἱστορίαν τῆς Ἀμερικῆς καί τοῦ πλανήτου, ὡς ὁ ἀφυπνιστής μέγας πολιτικός, Χριστιανός καί πατριώτης ἡγέτης τῆς καταρρεούσης Ἀμερικανικῆς Αὐτοκρατορίας. Ἡ Ἀμερική ἑάλω καί ὁ πλανήτης, δυστυχῶς, ἁλώσεται. Πῶς εἶναι δυνατόν ὁ Ἀμερικανικός λαός καί τά ὑπόλοιπα κράτη νά ἀποδεχθοῦν ὡς Πρόεδρον τῆς Ἀμερικῆς τόν Joe Biden, ὁ ὁποῖος ἔκλεψε τάς ἐκλογάς ἀπό τόν νόμιμον Πρόεδρον; Ὁ Θεός νά μᾶς ἐλεήσῃ, παραμένοντες ὅσον τό δυνατόν μακράν τῶν δουλοπρεπῶν ψευδο-πολιτικῶν καί ψευδο-πνευματικῶν ἡγετῶν τοῦ πλανήτου μας, τούς ὁποίους ὑποβαστάζουν εἰς τήν ἐξουσίαν αἱ σκοτειναί δυνάμεις. Happy Thanksgiving! Εἰς τόν καλόν καί ἀγαθόν Ἀμερικανικόν λαόν.
1. Ὅρα, “Revolutionary War: American Revolution”.
2. Ὅρα, Fritz Springmeier, “Bloodlines of Illuminati”. file:///C:/Users/JK/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.IE5/QSJRY92C/FC2F5371043C48FDD95AEDE7B8A49624_Springmeier.-.Bloodlines.of.the.Illuminati.R.pdf
3. Ὅρα, “A Guide to the French Revolution”.
4. Ὅρα, “Bolsheviks, Masons, and Russian Revolution: Lecture no. 5 from the course”: The Real History of Secret Societies.
5. Ὅρα, Angelo Codevilla, “ Revolution 2020”.
6. Ὅρα, «Ὁ Κων/λεως συνεχάρη σιωνιστήν!(Joe Biden)».
7. TRUMP ORDERED the Pentagon to withdraw more troops from Iraq and Afghanistan before Biden’s inauguration. The move drew bipartisan criticism, including from Mitch McConnell and NATO’s secretary general. REUTERS
8. Refreshing! Gov. Mike Huckabee said: @newsmax
actually waiting until votes are properly tabulated & uncontested by legal action. They must have read the Constitution & found that media doesn't determine an election by their "projections." It's decided by VOTERS.
9. Trump Should Fire CIA Director Gina Haspel Immediately for This Betrayal.
10. Ὅρα, “Here's Who Found That Russia Meddled in the 2016 Election”.
11. Ὅρα, “What we know and don’t know about Trump and Ukraine”.
12. Τόν βιολογικόν πόλεμον τῆς ἀθέου Ἀσίας κατά τῆς Χριστιανικῆς Δύσεως. Chinese virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, said: “This virus came from a Wuhan lab and it was intentional.” (TV Fox News, November 20, 2020).
13. Friend - LEGAL votes decide who is President, NOT the media. The observers were NOT allowed into the counting rooms. President Trump won the Election with 73,000,000 LEGAL votes. Bad things happened which our observers were NOT allowed to see. Millions of mail-in ballots were sent to people who never asked for them.
14. Ὁ ἀναίσχυντος Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) εἶπε: “Now we take Georgia, then we change the world.” Αὐτός εἶναι ὁ στόχος τῶν Illuminati εἰς τούς ὁποίους ὑπάγονται, «νά ἀλλάξουν τόν κόσμον». Εἶναι ἀμφισβητήσιμα τά ἀποτελέσματα τῶν ἐκλογῶν εἰς 5-6 Πολιτεῖες (PA, WI, AZ, MI, GA, καί ἄλλες). Ἐπίσης, President Trump said: “Despite the Left's attempts to undermine this Election, I will NEVER stop fighting for YOU. My Administration is achieving things no one thought possible - the stock market is up BIG, the coronavirus vaccine is underway and will be completed safely very soon. We are accomplishing so much, which is even more reason to step up and DEFEND THE ELECTION! We cannot let the Democrats STEAL this Election from your all-time favorite President. They'll DESTROY everything we've worked so hard for.” Ἀκόμη, There’s something that just doesn’t feel right about this. Joe Biden didn’t earn it, he didn’t really even campaign. He thought was going to lose, you could see it. He ran a losing campaign. So 10 days after the election, how’s he ahead? #WattersWords
15. His radical pro-abortion agenda is counting on the election results: The abortion lobby poured out over $100 MILLION for the November 3rd election.
16. Chicago Mayor Lightfoot (D-Chicago) Bans ‘Traditional Thanksgiving’.
17. Democrats got caught red-handed switching Trump votes to Biden in this key state.
18. “He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!” (President Donald Trump, November 15, 2020, 9:19 A.M.).
19. Monica Palmer and William Hartmann, two Republican Election Board members from Wayne County, MI have signed sworn affidavits claiming they were bullied and coerced into certifying the election. On Tuesday night (11/17/2020) the two Republican Dwayne County Canvassers originally voted no to certifying the election, creating a deadlock. Ultimately, the two switched their votes to have a unanimous answer from the four-member board after receiving threats toward themselves and their families. Now, the members wish to rescind their votes.
Σάββατο 21 Νοεμβρίου 2020
Τετάρτη 18 Νοεμβρίου 2020
Δευτέρα 16 Νοεμβρίου 2020
ΠΩΣ ΘΑ ΖΕΙ Ο ΚΟΣΜΟΣ. Songbird | Official Trailer [HD] | Coming Soon
Παρασκευή 13 Νοεμβρίου 2020
Δευτέρα 9 Νοεμβρίου 2020
Κυριακή 8 Νοεμβρίου 2020
Σάββατο 7 Νοεμβρίου 2020
Δευτέρα 2 Νοεμβρίου 2020
Πέμπτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2020
Σάββατο 10 Οκτωβρίου 2020
Τετάρτη 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020
Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2020
Κυριακή 23 Αυγούστου 2020
Μας θέλουν Υποτελεις. ...
Σάββατο 15 Αυγούστου 2020
Τετάρτη 12 Αυγούστου 2020
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great:
The Greek Civilizer of the World
Dr. John N. Kallianiotis
University of Scranton
«Ἀνδρίζεσθε, καί κραταιούσθω ἡ καρδία ὑμῶν,
πάντες οἱ ἐλπίζοντες ἐπί Κύριον.»
Ψαλμός λ΄(30)
Ι. Prologue
“Totum Graecorum est.” (Everything comes from the Greeks).
“Ὅλα εἶναι Ἑλληνικά, ὅλα προέρχονται ἀπό τούς Ἕλληνες.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero; 106 B.C.-43 B.C.
Thucydides (Θουκυδίδης) views life exclusively as political life, and history in terms of political history. The social policy of a true leader is the maximization of his citizens welfare (εὐημερία). The economic policy of a leader or of a government covers the systems for setting levels of taxation (φόροι), government revenue (πόροι) and expenditures (δαπάναι), government budgets, and other functions. The philosophy (science) of Oeconomicos (misspelled Economics) and economic policy were developed by Xenophon (Ξενοφῶν) in Ancient Greece. Alexander the Great (Μέγας Ἀλέξανδρος) was living a little later in the 4th century B.C. and we know him as a great Greek (Hellen) general, leader, and civilizer. But, he was at the same time, an excellent oeconomologos (economist) because he had to manage the economy of his wars, his enormous campaign from North Greece (Macedonia) to India (Hindus River). He had also to exercise an efficient and effective public policy (revenue and spending) for his vast Empire and to satisfy all its citizens as a Hellenic civilizer and not as a conqueror.
Historians were saying that “he desired not pleasure or wealth, but only excellence and glory”, which was the moral and ethical Greek philosophy of his time. At a point, Alexander said that “…I am grateful to gods that I was borne Hellen…” and had all these Hellenic values, which made him one of the most important person in human history. Of course, as a student of the greatest of philosophers Aristotle (Ἀριστοτέλης), he has shown outstanding management capabilities (although military budgets contained more or less what budgets of states comprised). His efficiencies with rates of salaries, health and welfare, building projects, supplies, transports, reforms of the tax system, indirect taxes and donations, loans, minting of coins (currency); even his dealing with financial scandals and other actions are information useful for our policy makers, today, and they were all excellent. His contribution to the world as the greatest civilizer and preparer of the ground for the expected “Unknown God” is unique in human history.
His Empire’s budgets (revenues and spending) are measured by using the weights of gold and silver coins and values can be determined and prices can be compared by taking this information from different historians of his time. Alexander economic policy is very useful for our current leaders and scholars. Also, the history and the role of this extraordinary man and of the Greek language in God’s plan, for His revolted and deluded creation and humanity to be in a position to understand and accept His revelation, which Greeks were expecting His coming since 5th century B.C. (the Golden Century of Athens), are very important for us. Finally, the current politics of the region are covered, in a book by the author, so they can give to the reader a better idea of the true history of the glorious past and the dishonorable conflicts of the present. Many useful information on numismatics (currency, coins, and their value) from that Ancient Greek period are given in the book, so we can compare prices, wages, and exchange rates with respect of the U.S. dollar and the Greek drachma.
ΙΙ. Alexander’s Contribution to the World
“Πᾶς ὁ ὁρῶν αὐτούς, ἐπιγνώσεται αὐτούς,
ὅτι οὗτοι εἰσι σπέρμα εὐλογημένον ὑπό Θεοῦ.”
Ἡσαϊ. ξα΄ 9
Hellenism’s contribution to the world is known to everyone, but one of its greatest offers was with its offspring Alexander the Great (Μέγας Ἀλέξανδρος). Alexander III Macedon (July 20, 356-June 11, 323 B.C.) earned the epithet, “the Great”, due to his unparalleled success as a king, a military commander, and a civilizer of the known world at that time. He never lost a battle, despite typically being outnumbered. This was due to use of terrain, phalanx (φάλαγξ) and cavalry tactics, bold strategy, and the fierce loyalty of his troops. He always was personally involved in battles, in the manner of a Macedonian king. Greek biographer Plutarch (Πλούταρχος; c. 45–120 A.D.) describes Alexander’s appearance as a model, as we can see from his statues. Greek historian Arrian (Lucius Flavius Arrianus 'Xenophon', Ἀρριανός, c. 86–160 A.D.) described Alexander as: “[T]he strong, handsome commander with one eye dark as the night and one blue as the sky” and also with other heroic adjectives. The semi-legendary Alexander Romancealso suggests that Alexander suffered from heterochromia iridum: that one eye was dark and the other light. Ancient authors recorded that Alexander was so pleased with portraits of himself created by Lysippos (Λύσιππος) that he forbade other sculptors from crafting his image. Alexander the Great is the most admired leader in human history. Lysippos’ sculpture, famous for its naturalism, as opposed to a stiffer, more static pose, is thought to be the most faithful depiction.
Of course, some of Alexander’s strongest personality traits formed in response to his parents. His mother had huge ambitions, and encouraged him to believe it was his destiny to conquer the Persian Empire. Olympias’ influence instilled a sense of destiny in him; of course, without preventing God’s Providence. Plutarch tells us that his ambition “kept his spirit serious and lofty in advance of his years”. However, his father Philip II (382-336 B.C.) was Alexander’s most immediate and influential role model, as the young Alexander watched him campaign practically every year, winning victory after victory while ignoring severe wounds. Alexander’s relationship with his father forged the competitive side of his personality; he had a need to out-do his father, illustrated by his reckless behavior in battle. While Alexander worried that his father would leave him “no great or brilliant achievement to be displayed to the world”, he proved that there were greater than his father’s achievements, with his unique campaign as far as to India. Alexander married twice. First, Roxana (Ρωξάνη), daughter of the Bactrian nobleman Oxyartes (’Οξυάρτης) and Stateira II (Στάτειρα Β΄), the Persian princess and daughter of Darius III of Persia (Δαρεῖος Γ΄ τῆς Περσίας ἤ Δαρεῖος ὁ Κοδομανός). He apparently had two sons, Alexander IV of Macedon (Ἀλέξανδρος Δ΄ Μακεδών) of Roxana and Heracles of Macedon (Ἡρακλῆς ὁ Μακεδών) from his mistress Barsine (Βαρσίνη). He lost another child when Roxana miscarried at Babylon. Apart from wives, Alexander had many more female companions. Nevertheless, Plutarch described how Alexander was infatuated by the pretty Roxana.
Alexander’s economic abilities were also excellent. He managed the economy of his wars; an enormous campaign from Greece to India with success and very efficiently and also, the economic policy of his huge empire was very effective. His public policies [revenue, (πόροι, poroe) and expenditures (δαπάναι, dapanae)] were very effective, too, not only balancing his budget, but generated a surplus (πλεόνασμα), a portion of which was sent back to Macedonia. The cost (δαπάναι) of Alexander’s expedition from 336 B.C. to 323 B.C. was 2,562,018,650 Drs, which was 391,614,286.3 ozs of silver ($6,833,669,296 in today’s silver price). The revenue (πόροι) from different sources was 8,413,850,769 Drs, which was 1,286,089,063 ozs of silver ($22,442,254,150). Then, his surplus was 8,413,850,769 – 2,562,018,650 Drs = 5,851,832,119 Drs or 894,474,776.4 ozs or $15,608,584,854. (Tables 3b, 3c and 4a, 4b). Currencies, coins, salaries and wages are given in Appendix A (Tables 1, 2, and 3a) and in Appendix B and Figure 6. From the economic point of view, this is a good lesson for our politicians, today, who have generated an unsustainable national debt that they rollover to the next generations and the countries are facing bankruptcies. Our current social policies are very insignificant and anti-social and the workers are extremely exploited by businesses and the unregulated markets and banks that make enormous profits, create inflation, redistribute the wealth without generating new one, and avoid paying taxes, too. Then, we need to learn from the past history.
Actually, Alexander the Great was a civilizer (Hellenizer). With the word Hellenization we denote the spread of Greek language, culture, and population into the former Persian Empire after Alexander’s conquest. That this export of Greek civilization took place is undoubted, and can be seen in the great Hellenistic cities of, for instance, Alexandria, Antioch, Seleucia (south of Baghdad), and many others. Alexander sought to insert Greek elements into Persian culture and attempted to hybridize Greek and Persian culture. This culminated in his aspiration to civilize and homogenize the populations of Asia and Europe. Thus, Hellenization occurred throughout this vast region. The core of this Hellenistic culture was essentially Athenian (from the “golden age” of the City); the moral and ethical teaching of its philosophers. The close association of men from across Greece in Alexander’s army directly led to the emergence of the largely Attic-based “koine” (κοινή), or “common” or Hellenistic (Ἑλληνιστική) Greek dialect or the language of the New Testament (Ἑλληνική τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης). Koine spread throughout the Hellenistic world, becoming the lingua franca of Hellenistic lands and eventually the ancestor of Modern Greek. Furthermore, town planning, education, local government, and art current in the Hellenistic period were all based on Classical Greek ideals, evolving into distinct new forms commonly grouped as Hellenistic. Aspects of Hellenistic culture were evident in the traditions of the Byzantine (Medieval Greek) Empire up in the mid-15th century and they are still present even in today’s Greece. The entire of long duration Greek culture is based on tradition (Παράδοσις), which is preserved and is transferred from one generation to the other. This tradition cannot be interrupted because the losses will be infinite not only for Greece, but for the entire world.
In addition, Alexander the Great was a gifted man by God (God’s Providence is in control of His entire creation). His role in history is unique and he had all these talents to pursue this historic objective, the preparation of the known world to accept the Revealed Truth, the Messiah, the Son of God, “the Unknown God” of Socrates and of the other Greek philosophers. Actually, Alexander was “the social forerunner”. The divine plan was successful in only twelve (12) years (335-323 B.C.) and was preserved with Alexander’s successors and hopefully with today’s Greeks. Alexander’s short life for only 33 years (356-323 B.C.) was enough to accomplish God’s plan for humans’ salvation. He was successful in all his tasks and of course, in his economic policy and triumphant in his social, foreign, and global policies. It is obvious that if a leader has God’s Grace and Providence because he labors for God’s work, he will be very successful for his people and the world. The problem, today, is that our leaders do not receive and do not accept God’s Providence because they do not believe in the True God and their people are paying the cost.
As my beloved friend, Professor Argyrios Varonides has said, “If the Skopje regime really seeks recognition and respect as a democratic state, it needs first to learn how to respect history and not to adopt old faded political arguments of past and collapsed regimes. Do they really want to be Macedonians? Then, they are welcomed with open arms to the Greek culture, which after all has been known, thanks to the Thessalonian brothers Methodios (Μεθόδιος) and Kyrillos (Κύριλλος). Otherwise, they ridicule themselves and become irritating.” Consequently, for someone to become Macedonian, he has, first, to become Greek because the true Macedonians were, are, and will be only Greeks (Hellenes of North Greece).
Large sections of countries that dream the non-existent historically “Aegean Macedonia” were historically under Greek control for thousands of years and those countries that transgress against Greece today are “inhospitable of the history”, conquerors. Greeks will never cease, as the Greek race to claim their lost national lands. It is their national duty to state matters concerning Greek Macedonia and many other regions, both inside and outside of Greece, exactly as they are to restore the historical truth that expediency, politics, and misguided and calculating interest continue to counterfeit and distort. It is necessary for the preservation of their unique Greek Orthodox Culture that everyone be in good conscience and that Greece permanently “guard Thermopylae”. This duty must not be the subject of a transient alert or mobilization, but the constant care of the current and future citizens of the historic country, Hellas (Ἑλλάς) because the enemies (from East, North, and West) are becoming more aggressive with the passing of time.
III. Conclusion
«Ἔστιν μέν οὖν Ἑλλάς καί ἡ Μακεδονία.»
(“Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece”)
Στράβων (Strabo)
In conclusion, the fact that the ancient Macedonians belong to the world of Greeks, is very difficult to be disputed any longer from any prudent man. The new archeological treasures in connection with linguistic analyses and the findings of a great number of new inscriptions –all Greek– with rich samples of Greek names prove that there is no discontinuation of either cultural or linguistic of the unity of the Macedonians with the rest of the Greeks. Also, the spreading of the Greek language and the Greek civilization and culture to the entire known world from the Greek Macedonians of the Alexander the Great constitutes the most categorical confirmation of this event. This event is confirmed every year by the new archeological findings that are coming to light either at the large excavations of Pella (Πέλλα), Vergina (Βεργίνα), Dion (Δίων), and Sindos (Σίνδος), or in dozens less known, like in areas of Voion (Βόϊον), Aeani (Αἰανή), Kozani (Κοζάνη), Kastoria (Καστοριά), Florina (Φλώρινα), Edessa (Ἔδεσσα), Aridaea (Ἄριδαία), Kilkis (Κιλκίς), Kavala (Καβάλα), and of course, Thessaloniki (Θεσσαλονίκη), Amphipolis (Ἀμφίπολις) and Chalkidiki (Χαλκιδική) [Petralona, (Πετράλωνα)] and others.
Thus, the role of Hellenism is historic and humanistic –and as time passes the vast majority of people will realize it- because it was able many times in the past to re-orientate humanity. Hellenism is a global movement of ancient moral philosophy combined with the revealed truth of Christianity, the Holy Orthodoxy. Its advantage exists in the adoption of the moderation, the spiritual, the eternal, and the truthful, and at the same time in the rejection of the exaggeration, the materialistic, the transitory, and above all the bold lie. How many today understand this unique culture, which is called the Hellenic Orthodox Culture (Ἑλληνορθόδοξος Παιδεία, Hellinorthodoxos Paideia)? The race, which possesses this culture, has the unique ability to reach the highest accomplishments and surpass the pathless degeneration of the human civilization left behind in every historic period. The universal ideas of Hellenism constitute an inexhaustible source of alternating everlasting values. The principles of Hellenism that have changed the intellectual trends of humanity throughout history, have been born to this small geographical region, which for three thousand years obstinately resists the undermining efforts of the controlled “civilized” world of the West and the hordes of barbarians from Asia. One representative of this race is Alexander the Great, the Macedonian Greek commander of the army who civilized the world and refined and united Hellenism.
Τετάρτη 22 Ιουλίου 2020
Τρίτη 21 Ιουλίου 2020
Δευτέρα 20 Ιουλίου 2020
Τέμενος Ομάρ κ Αγία Σοφία στον Τύποαπειλει-σαν-αντιποινα-για-την-αγια-σοφ/